In 2016, after a decade of working as an informal network, the International Credit Union Regulators' Network ICURN became an independent and sustainable organization solely based on the support from its members in over 40 countries and jurisdictions.  ICURN is registered as a not-for-profit association in the United States. ICURN has a nine member steering committee and is governed by an independent volunteer board of directors comprised of:

  • Chair: Elaine Byrne, Central Bank of Ireland
  • Diane Gongora, Central Bank of Belize
  • Brian Knight, National Association of State Credit Union Supervisors (USA)
  • Brent Schellenberg,  Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation - Saskatchewan
  • Peter Njuguna, SACCO Societies Regulatory Authority (Kenya)
  • Dave Grace, ICURN, Executive Director, ex-officio

​​Dave Grace & Associates provides secretariat services to the network. Dave Grace is the Executive Director.


  • Eswatini: Financial Services Regulatory Authority 
  • Kenya: SACCO Societies Regulatory Authority
  • Lesotho: Department of Cooperatives 
  • Malawi: Reserve Bank of Malawi​
  • Rwanda: Naitonal Bank of Rwanda
  • Seychelles: Central Bank of Seychelles
  • South Africa: South African Reserve Bank ​
  • South Africa: Financial Sector Conduct Authority 
  • Uganda: Bank of Uganda
  • Uganda: Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority


  • Australia: ​Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority
  • India: Reserve Bank of India
  • Mongolia: Financial Regulatory Commission of Mongolia
  • Singapore: Registry of Co-operative Societies and Mutual Benefit Organisations
  • South Korea: Financial Supervisory Service 


  • Antigua and Barbuda: Financial Service Regulatory Commission 
  • Barbados: Financial Services Commission ​
  • Belize: Central Bank of Belize
  • Grenada: Grenada Authority for the Regulation of Financial Institutions​
  • Haiti: Bank of the Republic of Haiti
  • St Vincent and the Grenadines: Financial Services Authority
  • Turks & Caicos​: Financial Services Commission
  • Trinidad & Tobago: Cooperative Development Division

icurn Members:



  • Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland
  • Moldova: National Commission for Financial Markets 
  • ​​Ukraine: National Bank of Ukraine
  • United Kingdom: Bank of England

Latin America: 

  • BrazilCentral Bank of Brazil
  • Ecuador: Superintendency of Popular Economy and Solidarity
  • Guatemala: MICOOPE Guarantee Fund Administration 
  • Peru:  Superintendency of Banking, Insurance and AFP

North America

  • Canada, AB: Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation
  • Canada, BC: British Columbia Financial Services Authority
  • Canada, MB: Deposit Guarantee Corporation of Manitoba
  • Canada, NB: Financial and Consumer Services Commission 
  • Canada, NL: Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation 
  • Canada, NS: Nova Scotia Credit Union Deposit Insurance Corporation
  • Canada, ON: Financial Services Regulatory Authority
  • Canada, PEI: Prince Edward Island Credit Union Deposit Insurance Corporation
  • Canada, QC: Financial Markets Authority 
  • Canada, SK: Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation 
  • United States: Iowa Department of Commerce Division of Credit Unions 
  • United States: National Association of State Credit Union Supervisors
  • United States: National Credit Union Administration